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Dynamometry Guide

[1] Shechtman, O., & Sindhu, B. S. American Society of Hand Therapists TM Grip Strength Key Recommendations for Outcome Evaluation of Grip Strength. [LINK]

[2] Fess, E. E.  Guidelines for evaluating assessment instruments. Journal of Hand Therapy: Official Journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists, 8(2), 144–148. (1995).[LINK]

[3] Mutalib, S. A., Mace, M., Seager, C., Burdet, E., Mathiowetz, V., & Goldsmith, N. Modernising grip dynamometry: Inter-Instrument reliability between GripAble and Jamar. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23(1), 80. (2022). [LINK]

[4] Mace, M., Mutalib, S. A., Ogrinc, M., Goldsmith, N., & Burdet, E. GripAble: An accurate, sensitive and robust digital device for measuring grip strength. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 9(1), 20556683221078456. (2022).[LINK]

[5] Mathiowetz, V., Weber, K., Volland, G., & Kashman, N. Reliability and validity of grip and pinch strength evaluations. The Journal of Hand Surgery, 9(2), 222–226. (1984) [LINK]

[6] Mutalib, S. A., Sharma, D., Pike, S., Gwynne, L., Hyde, S., Morehouse, J., Davey, H., Edwards, L., Douglass-Kirk, P., Burdet, E., Goldsmith, N., & Mace, M. GripAble: Interrater reliability and normative grip strength of UK population. Journal of Hand Therapy. (2024) [LINK]

[7] McGee, C.W., Test-Retest Reliability and Precision of GripAble, A Multi-Purpose Exergaming (under review)

[8] Jamar_Plus_Hand_Dynamometer_Instruction_Manual_012221. (n.d.).[Link]

[9] Cooper, R., Lessof, C., Wong, A., & Hardy, R. The impact of variation in the device used to measure grip strength on the identification of low muscle strength: Findings from a randomised cross-over study. Journal of Frailty, Sarcopenia and Falls, 06(04), 225–230 (2021) [LINK]

[10] Du, W., Cornett, K. M. D., Donlevy, G. A., Burns, J., & McKay, M. J. Variability between Different Hand-Held Dynamometers for Measuring Muscle Strength. Sensors, 24(6) (2024). [LINK]

[11] King, T. I. Inter-Instrument reliability of the Jamar electronic dynamometer and pinch gauge compared with the Jamar hydraulic dynamometer and B&L Engineering mechanical pinch gauge. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy : Official Publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 67(4), 480–483 (2013). [LINK]

[12] Lessof, C., Cooper, R., Wong, A., Bendayan, R., Caleyachetty, R., Cheshire, H., Cosco, T., Elhakeem, A., Hansell, A. L., Kaushal, A., Kuh, D., Martin, D., Minelli, C., Muthuri, S., Popham, M., Shaheen, S. O., Sturgis, P., & Hardy, R. Comparison of devices used to measure blood pressure, grip strength and lung function: A randomised cross-over study. PLoS ONE, 18(12 December). (2023). [LINK]

[13] Savas, S., Kilavuz, A., Kayhan Koçak, F. Ö., & Cavdar, S. Comparison of Grip Strength Measurements by Widely Used Three Dynamometers in Outpatients Aged 60 Years and Over. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(13) (2023) [LINK]

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