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Grip Strength and Longevity

  • Celis-Morales C. A., et al. Associations of grip strength with cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer outcomes and all cause mortality: prospective cohort study of half a million UK Biobank participants. BMJ,361, k1651, (2018). LINK

  • Cheung, C. L., et al. Association of handgrip strength with chronic diseases and multimorbidity: a cross-sectional study. Age (Dordr), 35(3), 929-41 (2013). LINK

  • Cruz-Jentoft, A. J., et al. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Age and Ageing, 48(1), 16-31, (2019). LINK

  • Cui, M.,  et al. Grip Strength and the Risk of Cognitive Decline and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Cohort Studies. Front Aging Neurosci., 13, 625551 (2021). LINK

  • Fried, P. L., et al. Frailty in Older Adults: Evidence for a Phenotype. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A, 56(3), M146–M157, (2001). LINK

  • Leong, D. P., et al. Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study. Lancet, 386(9990), 266-73, (2015). LINK

  • Li, Y.-z., et al. Low Grip Strength is a Strong Risk Factor of Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women. Orthop Surg, 10, 17-22, (2018). LINK

  • Matteini, A.M., et al. GWAS analysis of handgrip and lower body strength in older adults in the CHARGE consortium. Aging Cell., 15(5), 792-800, (2016). LINK

  • Mey, R., et al. Handgrip strength and respiratory disease mortality: Longitudinal analyses from SHARE. Pulmonology, 30(5), 445-451 (2024). LINK

  • Momma, H., et al. Muscle-strengthening activities are associated with lower risk and mortality in major non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies. Br J Sports Med, 56(13), 755-763, (2022). LINK

  • Ortega, F.B., et al. Muscular strength in male adolescents and premature death: cohort study of one million participants. BMJ, 20(345), e7279, (2012). LINK

  • Peterson, M. D., et al. Grip strength is inversely associated with DNA methylation age acceleration. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 14, 108–115, (2023). LINK 

  • Strasser, B., et al. Role of Dietary Protein and Muscular Fitness on Longevity and Aging. Aging Dis.,  9(1), 119-132, (2018). LINK

  • Weaver, J.D., et al. Interleukin-6 and risk of cognitive decline: MacArthur studies of successful aging. Neurology, 59(3), 371-8 (2002). LINK

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