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Data Points Bibliography

  • Alboksmaty, A., Beaney, T., Elkin, S., Clarke, J. M., Darzi, A., Aylin, P., & Neves, A.-L. (2022). Effectiveness and safety of pulse oximetry in remote patient monitoring of patients with COVID-19: A systematic review. The Lancet Digital Health, 4(4), e279–e289. [LINK]

  • Barry, E., Galvin, R., Keogh, C., Horgan, F., & Fahey, T. (2014). The Timed Up and Go Test (TUGT): A Predictor of Mobility and Fall Risk. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(2), 314–320. [LINK]

  • Bohannon, R. W. (1995). Sit-to-Stand Test: Lower Limb Strength Assessment. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 76(6), 554–558. [LINK]

  • Kon, S. S. C., Patel, M. S., Canavan, J. L., Clark, A. L., Jones, S. E., Nolan, C. M., Polkey, M. I., & Man, W. D.-C. (2013). Reliability and Validity of the 4-Meter Gait Speed Test in COPD. European Respiratory Journal, 42(2), 333–340. [LINK]

  • Long, J. W., Cai, T. P., Huang, X. Y., Zhou, Y. P., Kuang, J., & Wu, L. (2020). Reference value for the TUGT in healthy older people: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Geriatric Nursing, 41(3), 325–330. [LINK]

  • Navarrete-Villanueva, D., Gómez-Cabello, A., Marín-Puyalto, J., Moreno, L. A., Vicente-Rodríguez, G., & Casajús, J. A. (2021). Frailty and Physical Fitness in Elderly People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 51, 143–160. [LINK]

  • Pinedo-Villanueva, R., Westbury, L. D., Syddall, H. E., Sanchez-Santos, M. T., Dennison, E. M., Robinson, S. M., & Cooper, C. (2019). Health Care Costs Associated With Muscle Weakness: A UK Population-Based Estimate. Calcified Tissue International, 104, 137–144. [LINK]

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  • Stoop, A., de Bruin, S. R., Wagemans, M. A., Vroomen, J., Nies, H., & Baan, C. A. (2019). Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments in Integrated Care Programs. Health & Social Care in the Community, 27(5), e549–e566. [LINK]

  • Studenski, S., Perera, S., Patel, K., Rosano, C., Faulkner, K., Inzitari, M., Brach, J., Chandler, J., Cawthon, P., Barrett-Connor, E., Nevitt, M., Visser, M., Kritchevsky, S., Badinelli, S., Harris, T., Newman, A. B., Cauley, J., Ferrucci, L., & Guralnik, J. (2011). Gait speed and survival in older adults. JAMA, 305(1), 50–58. [LINK]

  • White, D. K., Neogi, T., Nevitt, M. C., Peloquin, C. E., Zhu, Y., Boudreau, R. M., Cauley, J. A., Ferrucci, L., Harris, T. B., Satterfield, S. M., Simonsick, E. M., Strotmeyer, E. S., & Zhang, Y. (2013). Trajectories of gait speed predict mortality in well-functioning older adults: The Health, Aging and Body Composition study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 68(4), 456–464. [LINK]

  • Yesavage, J. A., & Sheikh, J. I. (1986). Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): Recent evidence and development of a shorter version. Clinical Gerontologist, 5(1–2), 165–173. [LINK]

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